Peyronie's Disease Therapy UK
Specialists In All Peyronie’s Disease Treatments. Including Ground-Breaking, Cutting-Edge Technologies from Storz Medical Focused Shockwave Treatment.
Specialist Shockwave Treatment for Peyronie's is quick, easy, pain free, with no down time.
Successful results from just 6 Treatments!
Our Senior Specialist Consultant has more than 30 years experience in Peyronie’s and offers you a FREE initial consultation. Call now for full details, or to assess your symptoms & suitability.
Life Changing Treatment - Returning Natural Relationships.
Peyronie's Disease Therapy UK
Welcomes You To York Therapy Centre.
With more than 30 years experience in Peyronie’s Disease and Erectile Dysfunction…You’re at the right place.
Specialist Peyronie’s Disease Treatments : Cutting edge Medical Treatment that Lasts...
Successful Peyronie’s Disease treatment with specialist focused shockwave treatment, is easy, pain free and can be successful in just 6 weeks! Multiple types of treatments alongside Shockwave is the secret to successful treatment outcomes for Peyronie’s sufferers.
Shockwave treatment removes plaque & allows elasticity within the tissue. When used in conjunction and alongside other treatments, we can find total success or significant improvements, returning more than 98% of men to an active and confident life!
The secret to successful treatment is here at York Therapy Centre.
Medical trials and new discoveries in Focused Shockwave therapy are both exciting and hugely successful; This amazing technology is non-invasive, simple, quick, pain free and very successful in most men.
Shockwave Treatment is transforming the lives of countless men suffering from Peyronie’s disease and associated Erectile Dysfunction (E.D,) while saving thousands of other men from invasive, irreversible and often unwanted surgical procedures, its success is returning thousands of men to spontaneous, sustained and naturally occurring erections and is successful for men of all ages.
Success Rates For Peyronie’s Disease?
Success rates are impressive, York Therapy Centre provides specialist and individually tailored types of treatments to ensure each patient receives the most effective treatments and best possible results. Some treatment plans may include treatments to be carried out at home while working alongside specialist Shockwave treatments at our specialist centre...
Example... Peyronie’s disease sufferers with a 10 to 90 degree bend may require anything between 6 to 18 Shockwave treatments with a combination of other types of treatments to see significant success.
Shockwave treatment breaks down plaque and allows underlying scarring to become malleable, introducing other treatments at this specific point in treatment is the secret to achieving a successful conclusion for more than 98% of our patients, here at York Therapy Centre.
Peyronie's Disease Therapy UK
5 Clifton Moor Business Village
James Nicolson Link
Clifton Moor
Where experience and best quality care are making life changing differences that last.
Therapy and Treatment Hours:
Monday – Friday
Therapy from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Appointments and treatments are made around a time that suits you.
All calls are strictly Private And Confidential and are only answered by our
Senior Consultant: Mr A. Wood.
Private Mobile Number:
Medical Trials Reveal New 'Focused Shock Wave Therapy’ Is A Huge Success For thousands of men suffering from Peyronie's Disease & Erectile Dysfunction: Because It Fixes The Root Cause - Not Just The Symptom!
Six, Quick, Easy, Pain-Free Treatments. Life Changing Treatment For Men Of All Ages.
Please click menu tabs (top and bottom of pages) to find dedicated symptom pages i.e. Peyronie's Disease or Erectile Dysfunction etc
The Latest Treatment From ‘Storz Medical Focused Shock Wave Technologies Are Here At York Therapy Centre.’

Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease & Pelvic Pain Syndrome can be soul-destroying illnesses, which affect millions of men all over the World.
E.D. and/or Peyronie’s Disease can be deeply hurtful, very frustrating and an emotionally consuming experience. But today, there are answers to nearly all of these symptoms. It’s important for you to know that nearly ALL Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease can be treated, using many different methods, ranging from medication (Blue Pills), to Traction and Pump devices, through to Focused Shock Wave Treatments, and even last resort measures such as surgical implants. It is simply a case of finding a specialist Centre like ours, to guide you to the right options and pathway to recovery. Please realise that most men do recover to an active sex life, whether by pills, traction, pumps, Shock Wave Treatment or surgery. It is my goal, to help you find your old self again…
Mr A. Wood
Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.) and Peyronie’s Disease, affects more than 20% of all men. It affects 50% of men between 40 and 70 years old. If you suffer too, you are certainly not alone. There are many reasons behind the root cause of E.D. Almost all root causes of E.D. lead to one common factor in Erectile Dysfunction… ‘A lack of sustained blood supply to the penis’. Rectifying this common factor of sustained blood supply is the answer to cure or fix E.D. for millions of men.
Exciting New Therapy And Life Changing Treatment With ‘Shock Wave Therapy’ For Erectile Dysfunction And So Much More.
York Therapy Centre is delighted to offer this new and Game Changing Technology – ‘Focused Acoustic Shock Wave Treatment’, it is changing the lives of thousands of people (especially men) all over the World, not only for fixing E.D. and Peyronie’s Disease in men, but also with breaking down scar tissue, reducing unsightly cellulite and eradicating chronic pain syndromes too. It works by creating Micro-Trauma in the focused areas being treated. This Micro-Trauma, breaks down scar and plaque tissue (1st developed to smash kidney stones in the 1980’s without surgery or anesthetic) while regenerating the bodies own healing to the focused area.
People of all ages and from all sorts of backgrounds, are discovering freedom from their symptoms. Men of all ages are benefiting from these technologies for E.D. and Peyronie’s Disease, from young men, all the way through to some older men in their 90’s.
Our treatment plans are tailored to individual needs, from ladies wanting to lose a little cellulite, to a full course of cellulite treatment, or to erectile performance enhancement, through to sufferers from chronic pain, and/or long-term erectile problems.
Treatment With Shock Wave Is Easy And Private.
If you suffer from Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease, or Prostatitis (pelvic pain syndrome). Just 6 easy and painless Shock Wave Therapy Treatments, can change your whole life.
This video link explains E.D. & Shock Wave Therapy; A must watch for all men.
American E.D. Specialist, Mr Alex Tatem.
He takes the words right out of my mouth and explains ‘everything’ (even the machine we use) perfectly.
The same process, care and therapy, here at our Treatment Centre here in the UK!
York Therapy Centre
This new and exciting technology is genuinely ‘Ground Breaking’ for many men who previously had no alternative but to undergo irreversible, invasive surgical implants or surgical intervention. Shock Wave Therapy is allowing thousands of men to enjoy a wonderful return to sustained, spontaneous erections, which are re-invigorating men’s freedom as they rediscover their confidence, while returning to an active sex life.
Medical trials show ‘New Focused Shock Wave Therapy’ is a huge medical success for men of all ages who suffer from E.D. and Peyronie’s Disease, because Focused Shock Waves cures the root cause, not just the symptom.
Most men report “Life Changing Success”, returning to an active, spontaneous and sustained sex-life after a full course of treatment. It is quick, easy, pain free, non-invasive and completed in approximately 6 weeks.
The Latest Treatment From ‘Storz Focused Acoustic Shock Wave Technologies Is Here At York Therapy Centre.’
What is Erectile Dysfunction?
read more…
What is Peyronie's Disease?
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What is Shock Wave Therapy?
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Private & Confidential Therapy
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What Is The Success Rate With Shock Wave Treatment For E.D. & Peyronie’s Disease?
Medical trial results (using the advanced ‘Storz Duolith SD 1 Focused Shock Wave Machine’) showed that almost all of the men (with moderate E.D. and moderate Peyronie’s Disease) reported a significant improvement, which (in most cases) allowed for a return to spontaneous, penetrative and sustained erections, after 6 weekly sessions of 20 minuets duration.
For your own piece of mind, it is worth investigating the results for yourself, (available on a google search) look up Storz Duolith SD 1 Focused Shock Wave – clinical trials. At this time, there is no other machine which can produce the same results, which may be why so many people are confused and disappointed with their results from treatment from the much cheaper and radically different ‘Radial’ Shock Wave Machines which most physiotherapists use in their surgeries. These are completely different machines which are not made to be able to produce the ‘focused’ performance levels of the Storz Duolith SD 1 Focused Shock Wave machine. Many home marketed Shock Wave Therapy machines costing between £75 and perhaps £750 or more, are little more than toys, they may have a nice sounding clicking noise, but sadly there is no Sonic Shock Wave at all!
70% of men with E.D. will see successful benefits from treatment with focused Shock Wave Therapy, this is dependent on normal neurological pathways being intact, allowing messages from the brain to travel down the spinal cord to reach all neurological systems of the physical erectile function.
25% to 30% of E.D. sufferers who have an interrupted or broken neurological pathway, between the brain and erectile function, may not benefit from Shock Wave Treatments because the signals from the brain are simply not reaching the desired erectile function. This broken pathway, may be caused by paralysis or surgical intervention for Cancers etc.

Treatment with ‘Focused Shock Wave Therapy’ for Peyronie’s Disease AND Erectile Dysfunction is extremely easy and non-invasive.
It usually takes just 6 treatments (2 per week – for 3 weeks) each treatment only takes 20 minutes.
There are no side effects, treatment is completely private and confidential. It is completely painless, while proven to be extremely effective in medical trials, and frequently gives you a new future and your whole life back!
Call our Senior Specialist Consultant Mr A. Wood, to arrange a Free and Private Initial Consultation by phone or in the Therapy Centre Clinic.
All calls are Private and Confidential.
Current trials using Shock Wave Therapy ‘immediately after’ prostate surgery or prostate removal are looking hopeful so far… but we will have to wait for the final medical results to draw any of the incredibly positive conclusions, we are already seeing from part way through the trials.
What Causes E.D?
There are many causes for E.D. Ageing associated causes are the biggest, but E.D. will affect many men, from the beginning of adulthood, all the way through to men successfully treated with Shock Wave Treatment in their 90’s!
E.D. root causes are numerous, ranging from vascular degeneration to bad habits such as smoking, drinking or bad diet, to medical conditions such as diabetes and blood pressure problems, through to anxiety, stress and other psychological causes.
Early stages of E.D. often lead to a dependency on medications, such as ‘blue pills’, etc. and increased psychological stimulation including pornography. Medical trials are producing successful experiences and some incredible results from ’Shock Wave Therapy for E.D.’ These results speak for themselves and explain a large increasing number of men attending our ‘York Therapy Centre’ from far and wide.
Our Specialist Consultant Therapist (Mr A. Wood) has decades of experience in E.D. therapy, which only adds to our patients benefits, when combined with ‘Focused Acoustic Shock Wave Therapy’. Other treatments for the best possible results may include function exercises and medical diet information if required.
E.D. And Peyronie’s Disease Often Cause Other Illness Too!
50% of men between the ages of 40 to 70 years suffer from anxiety, stress, depression, relationship issues, low self-esteem, headaches and many other psychological illnesses, simply because they suffer from the anxiety caused by erectile dysfunction; New technological advances in Shock Wave Treatment for physically caused E.D. and Peyronie’s Disease is an exciting ‘game changer’ for urologists, doctors and E.D. sufferers all over the world, and it’s making the cure of E.D. easy, painless, affordable and quick.
Many men mistakenly believe their E.D. cannot be helped, or they feel too embarrassed to seek help. “Today’s technology means that almost ALL E.D. can be fixed”. Don’t allow yourself to suffer in silence, nor waste one more day. Getting your sex life back gives you your whole life back too, from your confidence to your family and your relationships. Life changing ‘Successful Treatment’ using Shock Wave Therapy, will not break the bank and brings a positive change to your whole outlook, life and future!
Call For A Free Initial Consultation to Assess Your Symptoms and Treatment Suitability.
If you are suitable for treatment with Shock Wave Therapy, getting your Life and sex-life back with the treatment is simple, easy, painless, and normally completed in just three weeks.
Call our Senior Specialist Consultant Mr A. Wood now for a Free and Private initial Consultation. If he is busy feel free and secure to leave your name and number, when Mr Wood calls you back he will never say where he is calling from (this protects your confidentiality), he simply says “Hi, it’s Adrian Wood returning your call – how can I help?”
All calls are Private and Confidential.
Call 07761436688
Your Freedom and Future Are in Your Hands!